Monday, June 8

The Adventure Begins.... The A Swing

Well finished my last competition for the month so I will now venture into evaluating/
adoption of 'The A Swing'.  I have read the Golf Digest June's articles as well as related
links.  Have reviewed some YouTube videos as well.  I have "the book", so I will use it
as the primary map as well as the information on David Leadbetter's 'A Swing' website.

As for training aids, I have my own short club and alignment sticks also there is some
tape on bathroom mirror so I should be good.  If needed I will use a towel for the
Boomerang Aid.  Thumbing through the book, not sure I will need these, maybe the
taped mirror for some practice away from the course.

Key to considering this approach to the golf swing (not a method) is what some reviews
have indicated as well as who 'The A Swing' has been identified as a potential candidate
(Note Leadbetter does advocate "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"):
- Senior Golfers who have lost their flexibility and their power
- Players who keep reverting to their old bad habits

Since in my opinion Putting, Chipping, Pitching and Greenside Bunker play is not broken,
I have no intention to make any changes in these areas.  As I understand 'The A Swing'
approach that is perfectly acceptable, 'The A Swing' is more about the fuller swings.

It should be noted that I am still in the process of regaining hip stability and working to
improve my fitness (cardio, strength, flexibility, and mobility).

My initial approach will be to rely on the '7 Minute Practice Plan' coupled with the
6 Functional Exercises provided.  Range practice will initially be short and medium
clubs and maybe a hybrid.  Course play, I will limit my self to the same clubs I am
practicing with on the range.  As I begin show signs of mastering 'The A Swing' with
a the subset of clubs, I will expand to include the longer club working up finally to
the driver.  Not sure the time frame, I am not in a rush, but I am able to visit the golf
course everyday so the potential exist to make a transition in a short time period with
high reps.


Good Golfing

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